

 编者按:今年是“一带一路”倡议提出10周年。近年来,作为“一带一路”建筑类大学国际联盟成员之一,威廉希尔官网:以国家重大战略以及外事政策为导向,不断扩大国际合作“朋友圈”,尤其是俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦、印尼、老挝等“一带一路”国家,也成为威廉希尔官网:外籍留学生的重要来源地。为进一步弘扬中华传统文化和习俗,让外籍留学生更加了解中华文化,亲身体验中秋习俗,进而加强不同文化之间的沟通与交流,威廉希尔官网:特别精心举办了2023年来华留学生中秋文化体验活动,大家兴致浓厚,现场氛围温馨欢乐。“明月有约承传统,风华共赏悦中秋”,他们表示,通过丰富多彩的活动,感受到中国中秋节国泰民安、阖家团圆的氛围,以及人们对和谐、团结、祥和的美好愿望,也体会到来自全校师生的温暖和热情。通过活动,对中国的传统文化有了更加深刻的感受,结识了威廉希尔官网的朋友,增进了相互之间的交流和友谊。来自俄罗斯的SHELAKHOVA ALEXANDRA(中文名:花枫)同学是威廉希尔官网:2023级汉语进修班学生感触颇深,写下了这篇带着兴奋和惊喜的文章:


This year was my first time visiting China in the fall, so I found it very interesting to learn more about the various traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival, its history and everything in between. This festival is one of the many Chinese festivals known throughout the world.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the oldest and one of the most significant festivals in China, with a history of more than 3,000 years. This festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which is close to mid-autumn in the Gregorian calendar.

The very first mention of the "Mid-Autumn Festival" first appeared in the earliest historical document "Shangshu" in the chapter "Yaodian".

For example, during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), the Mid-Autumn Festival was closely associated with moon worship and agriculture. People gathered together to enjoy the full moon, sing songs, dance and have feasts. Also popular were the traditions of offering obeisances to the gods and ancestors, as well as establishing altars with fruits and candles.

During the Song Dynasty (581 - 618), officials and members of the imperial court organized special ceremonies to worship the moon, and the emperor personally participated in them. Also on this day, sports competitions were held, including archery.

By the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Mid-Autumn Festival became more widespread among the population. People gathered together to enjoy the moon and ate traditional mooncakes. Games with lanterns, poetry readings and dancing were also common.

With each new dynasty, the meaning and importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival for the people became greater and greater, and it became increasingly popular among the common people.

A very interesting experience for me was spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with other Chinese students. From them I learned one of the versions of the legends.

The Chinese students prepared an amazing performance, in which some students played the role of the ten suns, while others played the role of Chang'e, Hou Yi and other characters from the legends. It was an intense performance, during which the teachers asked the international students a lot of questions to see how well they were able to grasp the essence of what was happening.

In addition to telling the legend associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Chinese students also prepared small activities. All the foreigners, together with the Chinese students, made Chinese lanterns and yuebings, communicating and learning a lot of new things. This was both an excellent language practice and an opportunity to make new acquaintances, because the best way to learn Chinese is through communication with native speakers, through which you can also learn a lot of previously unknown information about culture and traditions.

Therefore, in my opinion, the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most exciting holidays that is celebrated differently in different provinces. One of my biggest dreams now is to travel to China next fall to fully enjoy this festival and the variety of traditions, food, and performances.